Disadvantages of Airbnb cleaning fee
For taking the right decision you should know about both the advantages and disadvantages of the Airbnb cleaning fee. Charging Airbnb cleaning fee has a severe impact on your listing. These negative impacts repel potential guests and stand as disadvantages in your path. You can charge the Airbnb cleaning fee using two methods- include it in the overall price or charge as an additional fee. Both the techniques affect your listing adversely and differently.
Increases the overall price of your property
If you include the Airbnb cleaning fee in your overall price then your listing will cost higher. Generally, the potential guests sort their preference listing using price. If your property will price higher because of the Airbnb cleaning fee, then you will lose many potential guests with budget constraints.
Many times, it happens that people like your listing but never book with you. A reason behind this could be your higher listing price. You have to set the pricing very carefully and try to stay reasonable. Sometimes adding an Airbnb cleaning fee in the overall price discourages the guests to book your property.
Could be a deal-breaker for some guests
A potential guest is interested in your listing. The price also fits in his budget. But wait! They notice the additional fee and pass your listing. This can be a typical scenario for some guests if you decide to add the Airbnb cleaning fee as an additional fee charged per night. Many people feel that additional fees are unnecessary expenses, charged in order to exploit the customers.
Additional fees are frowned upon by the majority and thus repels your potential guests. People desire to invest in beneficial services and the Airbnb cleaning fee is just a deal-breaker for them. Some guests also believe that the cleaning fee is your responsibility and you should not charge it as an additional fee to the guests.