Pricing your property is an important and extremely difficult task. You have to decide the perfect price that will attract potential guests and at the same time bring you profits. There are numerous elements to consider while deciding your property’s price, such as amenities available and the service fees. Airbnb cleaning fee is one of the most difficult factors. It is an additional service fee that you may or may not charge from your guests.
How to find good Airbnb cleaning service read here.
Since the Airbnb cleaning fee has both negative and positive impacts on your business it is a great responsibility to make the right decision. Whether to charge or not to charge? The following paragraphs will help you understand Airbnb cleaning fee in-depth so that you can make an informative decision. In short term rental business, every single decision taken by you affects your business. First, examine the situation carefully and then make your final decision about the Airbnb cleaning fee.